Artigos, livros e capítulos científicos com revisão por pares

  1. Lima, V. P., Ferreira de Lima, R. A., Joner, F., D’Orangeville, L., Raes, N., Siddique, I., & ter Steege, H. (2023). Integrating climate change into agroforestry conservation: A case study on native plant species in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Journal of Applied Ecology, 60(9), 1977–1994.

  2. Farias, N. S. de, Rave, J. S. M., Siddique, I., & Müller, C. M. O. (2023). Potential for conservation of threatened Brazilian Myrtaceae through sustainable use for food and medicine. Environment, Development and Sustainability.

  3. Felipe, R. T. A., Rayo, B. P., Vasconcelos, B. N. F., Sales, E. F., Peneireiro, F. M., Franco, F. S., Fonseca, F. D. da, Nobre, H. G., Siddique, I., Padovan, M. P., Kato, O. R., Sá, T. D. de A., & Steenbock, W. (2023). Sistemas Agroflorestais Agroecológicos: Trajetórias, Perspectivas e Desafios nos Territórios do Brasil. Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 1, 9–43.

  4. Farias, N. S. de, Mora Rave, J. S., Siddique, I., Hoff, R., & Müller, C. M. O. (2023). Myrtaceae leaves grown in Agroforestry: a sustainable alternative to producing natural antioxidants extracts. Scientia Plena, 19(6).

  5. Lima, V. P., de Lima, R. A. F., Joner, F., Siddique, I., Raes, N., & ter Steege, H. (2022). Climate change threatens native potential agroforestry plant species in Brazil. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 2267.

  6. Stratton, A. E., Comin, J. J., Siddique, I., Zak, D. R., Dambroz Filipini, L., Rodrigues Lucas, R., & Blesh, J. (2022). Assessing cover crop and intercrop performance along a farm management gradient. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 332(March), 107925.

  7. Schuler, H. R., Alarcon, G. G., Joner, F., dos Santos, K. L., Siminski, A., & Siddique, I. (2022). Ecosystem Services from Ecological Agroforestry in Brazil: A Systematic Map of Scientific Evidence. Land, 11(1), 83.

  8. Torres, T. M. S., Mazzutti, S., Castiani, M. A., Siddique, I., Vitali, L., & Ferreira, S. R. S. (2022). Phenolic compounds recovered from ora-pro-nobis leaves by microwave assisted extraction. Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, 39, 102238.

  9. Simioni, G. F., Schmitt Filho, A. L., Joner, F., Farley, J., Fantini, A. C., Moreira, A.P.T. (2022). Response of birds to high biodiversity silvopastoral systems: Integrating food production and biodiversity conservation through applied nucleation in southern Brazil. Agriculture Ecosystem & Environment, v. 324, p. 107709.

  10. Santos, D., Joner, F., Shipley, B., Teleginski, M., Lucas, R. R., & Siddique, I. (2021). Crop functional diversity drives multiple ecosystem functions during early agroforestry succession. Journal of Applied Ecology, 58, 1718–1727.

  11. Cardona Medina, E., Sühs, R.B., Falkenberg, D.B., Joner, F., Nodari, R.O. (2021). Effects of root hemiparasite Escobedia grandiflora (Orobanchaceae) on southern Brazilian grasslands: diversity, composition, and functional groups. Journal of Vegetation Science, 32, p. e13088.

  12. Joner, F., Giehl, E. L. H., & Pillar, V. D. (2021). Functional and taxonomic alpha and beta diversity responses to burning grasslands in southern Brazil. Journal of Vegetation Science, 32(4), 1–13.

  13. Siddique, I., Gavito, M., Mora, F., Godínez Contreras, M. del C., Arreola, F., Pérez-Salicrup, D., Martínez-Ramos, M., & Balvanera, P. (2021). Woody species richness drives synergistic recovery of socio-ecological multifunctionality along early tropical dry forest regeneration. Forest Ecology and Management, 482, 118848.

  14. Balvanera, P., Paz, H., Arreola-Villa, F., Bhaskar, R., Bongers, F., Cortés, S., del Val, E., García-Frapolli, E., Gavito, M. E., González-Esquivel, C. E., Martínez-Ramos, M., Martínez-Yrizar, A., Mora, F., Naime, J., Pascual-Ramírez, F., Pérez-Cárdenas, N., Ugartechea-Salmerón, O. A., Siddique, I., Suazo-Ortuño, I., & Swinton, S. M. (2021). Social ecological dynamics of tropical secondary forests. Forest Ecology and Management, 496, 119369.

  15. Gavito, M. E., Paz, H., Barragán, F., Siddique, I., Arreola-Villa, F., Pineda-García, F., & Balvanera, P. (2021). Indicators of integrative recovery of vegetation, soil and microclimate in successional fields of a tropical dry forest. Forest Ecology and Management, 479, 118526.

  16. Rodrigues, L. G. G., Mazzutti, S., Siddique, I., da Silva, M., Vitali, L., & Ferreira, S. R. S. (2020). Subcritical Water Extraction and Microwave-Assisted Extraction applied for the recovery of bioactive components from Chaya (Cnidoscolus aconitifolius Mill.). The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 165, 104976.

  17. Lima, V. P., Marchioro, C. A., Joner, F., ter Steege, H., & Siddique, I. (2020). Extinction threat to neglected Plinia edulis exacerbated by climate change, yet likely mitigated by conservation through sustainable use. Austral Ecology, 45(3), 376–383.

  18. Fantini, A. C., Schuch, C., & Siminski, A. (2019). Small-scale Management of Secondary Forests in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Floresta & Ambiente 26(4), 1–11.

  19. Siddique, I., Monteiro, Á. L., Aquino, J., & Teleginski, M. (2019). Sistema de Plantio Direto de Hortaliças em sucessão agroflorestal: Recuperação produtiva de diversos benefícios socioeconômicos e ambientais. In J. A. Fayad, V. Arl, Á. L. Mafra, J. J. Comin, & D. R. Marchesi (Eds.), Sistema de Plantio Direto de Hortaliças: Método de transição para um novo modo de produção (1st ed., pp. 67–84). Expressão Popular, São Paulo-SP. Página do livro.

  20. Mora, F., Jaramillo, V. J., Bhaskar, R., Gavito, M., Siddique, I., Byrnes, J. E. K., & Balvanera, P. (2018). Carbon Accumulation in Neotropical Dry Secondary Forests: The Roles of Forest Age and Tree Dominance and Diversity. Ecosystems, 21(3), 536–550.

  21. Parra, V. J., Schuler, H. R., Simões-Ramos, G. A., Magnanti, N. J., Santos, K. L. dos, Dionísio, A. C., Siminski, A., Joner, F., & Siddique, I. (2018). Metodologias de comunicação para o Diálogo de Saberes: Ações transformadoras da Rede de Sistemas AgroFlorestais Agroecológicos do Sul do Brasil – Rede SAFAS. Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 13(1), 128–141.

  22. Carrillo-Saucedo, S. M., Gavito, M. E., & Siddique, I. (2018). Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal spore communities of a tropical dry forest ecosystem show resilience to land-use change. Fungal Ecology, 32, 29–39.

  23. Fantini, A. C., Bauer, E., de Valois, C. M., & Siddique, I. (2017). The demise of swidden-fallow agriculture in an Atlantic Rainforest region: Implications for farmers’ livelihood and conservation. Land Use Policy, 69, 417–426.

  24. Gavito, M. E., Sandoval-Pérez, A. L., del Castillo, K., Cohen-Salgado, D., Colarte-Avilés, M. E., Mora, F., Santibáñez-Rentería, A., Siddique, I., & Urquijo-Ramos, C. (2017). Resilience of soil nutrient availability and organic matter decomposition to hurricane impact in a tropical dry forest ecosystem. Forest Ecology and Management, July, 0–1.

  25. Ayala-Orozco, B., Gavito, M. E., Mora, F., Siddique, I., Balvanera, P., Jaramillo, V. J., Cotler, H., Romero-Duque, L. P., & Martínez-Meyer, E. (2017). Resilience of Soil Properties to Land-Use Change in a Tropical Dry Forest Ecosystem. Land Degradation & Development, 325(March 2017), 315–325.

  26. Douterlungne, D., Ferguson, B. G., Siddique, I., Soto-Pinto, L., Jímenez-Ferrer, G., & Gavito, M. E. (2015). Microsite determinants of variability in seedling and cutting establishment in tropical forest restoration plantations. Restoration Ecology, 23(6), 861–871.

  27. Gavito, M. E., Martínez-yrizar, A., Ahedo, R., Ayala, B., Ayala, R., Balvanera, P., Benítez, J., Cotler, H., Maass, M., Martínez-hernández, L., Martínez-meyer, E., Nava-mendoza, M., Ortega, M. A., Renton, K., & SIDDIQUE, I. (2014). Vulnerability of the tropical dry forest socio-ecosystem of Chamela, Jalisco, to global change: an analysis of its social and ecological components. Investigación Ambiental, 6(2), 109–126. Fulltext

  28. Balvanera, P., Siddique, I., Dee, L., Paquette, A., Isbell, F., Gonzalez, A., Byrnes, J., O’Connor, M. I., Hungate, B. A., & Griffin, J. N. (2013). Linking Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services: Current Uncertainties and the Necessary Next Steps. BioScience, 64(1), 49–57.

  29. Pillar, V. D., Blanco, C. C., Müller, S. C., Sosinski, E. E., Joner, F., & Duarte, L. D. S. (2013). Functional redundancy and stability in plant communities. Journal of Vegetation Science, 24(5), 963–974.

  30. Douterlungne, D., Herrera-Gorocica, A. M., Ferguson, B. G., Siddique, I., & Soto-Pinto, L. (2013). Allometric equations used to estimate biomass and carbon in four neotropical tree species with restoration potential. Agrociencia (Montecillo), 47(4), 385–397.

  31. Soper, F. M., Richards, A. E., Siddique, I., Aidar, M. P. M., Cook, G. D., Hutley, L. B., Robinson, N., & Schmidt, S. (2015). Natural abundance (δ15 N) indicates shifts in nitrogen relations of woody taxa along a savanna–woodland continental rainfall gradient. Oecologia, 178(1), 297–308.

  32. Clark, C. M., Bai, Y., Bowman, W. D., Cowles, J. M., Fenn, M. E., Gilliam, F. S., Phoenix, G. K., SIDDIQUE, I., Stevens, C. J., Sverdrup, H. U., & Throop, H. L. (2013). Nitrogen deposition and terrestrial biodiversity. Ch. 366. In S. Levin & D. Tilman (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Biodiversity. Elsevier.