Ilyas Siddique (in English)
- PhD (Ecology); BSc e Honours (Tropical Environmental Science)
- Associate Professor in Agroecosystems, Center of Agrarian Sciences (CCA), Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC)
- Permanent Faculty in the Undergrad Degree Program in Agronomy &
the Postgraduate Programs in Agroecosystems (PGA) and
Plant Genetic Resources (RGV) - Visiting researcher in 2024:
- Theme Trees, World Agroforestry CIFOR-ICRAF, Nairobi, Kenya &
- Tropical Trees & Landscapes, Dept. of Geosciences & Natural Resources Management, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
- Contacts:
- Email:,
- From Oct. 2024: Direct landline: +55 48 3721 5475, Sala FIT213, Fitotecnia Building, CCA-UFSC, Itacorubi, Florianópolis-SC
Courses taught (Undergrad & Postgrad)
CV (Brazilian National Lattes Curriculum)
Citations on Google Scholar
Citations/impact in researchers’ social media ResearchGate
Lines of Research:
- Interactive decision tools for the multifunctional diversification of agroecosystems and ecological restoration.
- Integrative analyses of synergies and tradeoffs among multiple ecosystem functions and their benefits to humanity (ecosystem services), especially related to food and timber production, recovery of soil fertility in degraded soils, biodiversity conservation, carbon sequestration, mitigation of nutrient contamination, mitigation of flooding and droughts, social-ecological multifunctionality in agroecosystems.
- Collectively developed and shared agroecological mechanization and other tools to save labor in the management of biodiverse agroforestry and ecological restoration adaptable to different scales.
- Theory and practice of syntropic agriculture and successional agroforestry.
- Participatory Action Research for the development and adaptation of diversified and multifunctional food systems, in ecological, economic and political terms.